For registration tips for current students, click here.

Sign up now for 2024–2025 season classes.

Early bird pricing until Aug 1st!

*A minimum payment of $400 must be made by August 19th to secure early bird pricing.


For more information on our classes, please click the links below.

Street styles
Classical styles
Early Childhood program
Competition program
Musical Theatre

Registration tips for existing customers

Follow these helpful hints for quick registration for our camps and classes. We’re here to help if you need any extra information. Please feel free to call us at 604.805.0558.


Click the REGISTER link to the left of your chosen camp or class above in the tables above. You will be taken to the JackRabbit Registration page.


On the JackRabbit Registration page, click on the Already a customer? Click here to login link at the top, just below the word Registration.


Log into the Parent Portal, add class to cart, choose who to enrol and agree to the policies.

To add additional classes or camps:
Continue shopping > Find classes > Filter the classes by Session > Click Select session and choose as many options as apply.